finally :'( we got into the finals...um.. i mean choir =D...
:'( tears of happiness....! well we still need to polish our song anyway hopefully we can get into top-3 :( right? mr.titus? :D??? owh...out of dog food edi.. how ah?:(
must remind dad to order again.. my doggies are greedy =.= or shall i say hunting for food all the time? well..jess is so BIGG!!..BIGG Enough to attack ppl hahaha!!!
but titus is much more bigger? coz he's a guy? oh well... jess is getting more and more moody nowdays=.= im a little worry bout her ~ =.= ..oh well..dogs used to change their behavior based on the weather i think... ok i need to go..need to feed them [dogs]! bye bye~~~ :D