Saturday, April 18, 2009

miss my camping days....!

How i wish to camp with doggies again..= ( too bad...
lack of time...sweet memories~ camping under the moonlight and stars...
so refreshing hearing the crikets and the beautiful soft wind blowing gently~~~
although im not allowed to join the school camps..but im allowed to camp with my doggies... ^O^ miss my sleeping bag..miss the nature...:'( miss the camp....~~
aww...-lost hope- but still hoping to get a free chance to camp with my dogs again next time = D


  1. ur german shephard very nice.... the nicest german shephard i saw

  2. i love ur dog!!!
    i love all the big big big big big dog!!
    oh my gosh..i LOVE ur dog :D

  3. LOLLL so cool you get to camp with your dog :P
